Kenge per femije nena ime
Kenge per femije nena ime

Postimi: Urime edhe nga ana ime per voglushen e vogel paqt fat dhe lumturi ne jet me prindrit e saj Signatur: Nese nuk flas nuk eshte se spo I kuptoj ose shikoj gjerat po thjesh sdua te harxhoj fym kot!!! Informatat nga: SStyle Offline. Postimi: Shume Faleminerit nga ju Zoti ju gezoft edhe juve ne familjet e juaja!! Signatur: E kaluara vdes E tashmja jeton Kujtimi mbetet Informatat nga: albina84 Offline. Ishalla i plotsohen te gjitha deshirat e mira qe i keni ju prinderit per te, se deshirat e prinderit jan me te mdhaja per femij. Postimi: Urime lindja e vajzes edhe nga une, ishalla ka jete te gjat e te lumtur pran mamit e babit. Postimi: urime dhe nga un epr lindjen e vajzes suaj ishalla rritet shendosh e mir pran gjirit familjar Signatur: Verletze nie den Menschen, den du liebst.ĭenn er wird dir vielleicht verzeihen, doch vergessen wird er nie! Informatat nga: kosovare93 Offline. Postimi: Mjalta dhe Snikers shum urime per Lindjen e vajzes dasht zoti u beft plak i deshiroj bukuroshes te vogel shum fat lumturi shendet dhe dashuri ne jet dhe ritje pran prindve te vet edh nje her urime ishalla e shperblen zoti me te gjithat mirat ne jet Informatat nga: M! Shenime: 1. Oregjinal nga Anita Mjalta dhe Snikers shum urime per Lindjen e vajzes dasht zoti u beft plak i deshiroj bukuroshes te vogel shum fat lumturi shendet dhe dashuri ne jet dhe ritje pran prindve te vet edh nje her urime ishalla e shperblen zoti me te gjithat mirat ne jet Informatat nga: Anita Offline. RE: Shum urime per lindjen e vajzes se vogel kolegut dhe shokit ton Snickersit dhe Mjaltes. Signatur: Kur eci rruges,koken e mbaj ul. Shenime: Postimi: Shum urime Snickers Dhe Mjalta per lindjen e ylles se vogel. Postimi: Shuuumm Urimeeee edhe Nga ana Ime per Lindjene Vajzes snickers ishalla ka jet te gjat dhe fat se bashku me prinderit e vet All-llahu iu dhashte bereket. Shum urime per lindjen e vajzes se vogel kolegut dhe shokit ton Snickersit dhe Mjaltes.

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  • If this is your first visit to, let us welcome you with poems. Our purpose is to make it easier for people to find poets and poetry they like and to help publishers bring news of their books, magazines, and journals to more people. Included with each poem is information about the poet and the poem's source. The daily poem is selected for its literary quality and to provide you with a window on a very broad range of poems offered annually by publishers large and small. Our most eminent poets are represented in the selections, but also poets who are less well known. Poems are chosen from the work of a wide variety of poets published or translated in the English and Albanian language. Each day, we bring you a new poem from new books, magazines, and journals.

    kenge per femije nena ime

    So if you are an writer or author and want your poetries to get listed on please send them through "Send a Poetry Form". Our community is built on the belief that poetry is a powerful form of creative self expression and that each person deserves to share their own personal message with the world.Īt everyone can share their best poems.

    kenge per femije nena ime

    With over 150 authors and more than 2000 poetries, is the largest Albanian and most vibrant poetry community.

    Kenge per femije nena ime